TYC 0021-00180-1(mag 12.0) by (107)Camilla on 2011 Oct. 23 **** Successful observations: Observer: Taksun Poon, Kenneith Hui (JOIN:13084) Place: Hokoon Science Centre, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China Long.: 114o 06' 28.4" E, 22o 23' 01.7" N, Height: 160m (WGS84, MSL) Method: Video with frame analysis; RC-type reflector 50.0cm F8.0 Time signal: GPS-time inserted Result: D 17h 40m 56.183s +/-0.25s R 17h 41m 12.733s +/-0.25s Note: Observation was made from 16h 30m to 17h 49m. Star and asteroid merged at 17h 36m 30s, separated at 17h 44m 50s. Conditions: clear, lights; stability: slight flickering. As asteroid & star are of similar brightness, they never disappered. They just became distinctly dimmed and then brightened. As the brightness of the star and asteroid differs only by about 0.9 mag, I was not able to dimm them enough for a null occultation. Instead, it was the sudden dimming of the combination that was used to determine the occultation. ** Negative observations Observer: Hayato Watanabe (JOIN:13081) Place: Inabe, Mie, Japan Long.: 136o 33' 33.9" E, Lat.: 35o 07' 10.2" N, Height: 92m (JGD2000=WGS84) Method: VCR, 13cm F7.7 Refractor, WAT-120N(Slow shutter 8Fr),Limovie Time signal: GHS, TIVi